- Bomb the Music Industry! “Syke! Life Is Awesome!”
(If you have headphones on or want to piss off everyone around you, check it out here!)
For the last few months I’ve been A-O-K just chilling in SoCal, as it seemed the only place in the U.S. suitable for human habitation. Word on the street is, spring is now springing in other places, and I intend to find out for myself. Over the next couple months, I’ll ride planes, trains and automobiles in pursuit of vocation, avocation, vacation and birdcation. No, most of my plans were not made primarily for birding purposes, but they happen to take me to some very good spots at some very good times. Because sometimes, things are great. Check it:
LATE APRIL: High Island, TX. Two days of balls-to-the-wall, no-holds-barred, don’t-eat-don’t-sleep-don’t-do-anything-but-bird birding.
LATER APRIL: Dallas again.
EARLY MAY: New York, NY. Manhattan, the island that has everything, has even more than everything in May. It has warblers. Hell yes.
MID-TO-LATE MAY: ??? Mrs. BFH and I are mulling vacation options. No doubt we’ll be taking in our share of monuments and gift shops and the like, but rest assured: there will be birds.
All in all, this could turn out to be my birdiest year yet – maybe even by Memorial Day. But in my excitement, I’m getting ahead of myself. First things first: Where does one bird in Dallas in April???